So today started out as any day would.  Kids, laundry, dinner, etc.  With the kids finally asleep, I sit down to check S.P.I.s website, Twitter, and email.  As "The Wife" was putting clothes in the dryer, I stumbled upon an email inviting our group to participate in Paranormal Valley LIVE radio broadcast!  I read her the email and she couldn't believe it!  (It was a high-five moment!)

It was disappointing in only that we couldn't make it.  It was in New York and there was noway we could have made it.  But we are still so excited to have been invited!  Honored, actually.  We have only be a real group since December and we have been getting emails, invites, and people from all over the world wanting our advise.  It feels wonderful to be recognized.  My wife can barely contain her excitement!  :)

We will continue to answer emails and do our best to help others out with their questions.  To those of you that support us, thank you so much!  We appreciate all the word-of-mouth and shares we have been getting from Facebook, as well!  :)

From us here at S.P.I.s, we thank you for your support!